Tag Archives: Food

where oh where did the weekend go

‘Tis Monday today.  Again.  The day I wake up in a haze saying “Huh? It’s Monday? No, that’s impossible, it I swear it was just Friday two second ago…”

But, all in all, it was a decent Monday.

This happened:


I made pulled pork this weekend, so today I grabbed up some greens, tomatoes, cucumber, cheese (duh), and ta-da: best salad ever.  It was my first time making pulled pork, and I learned that if you are going to take the time to cook a pork should for 7 hours, cook TWO pork shoulders for 7 hours.  Because dude, that is a long time, so I better be getting a lot of pulled pork out of it.

Something else amazing happened today: the sun didn’t fully set until 6pm.  Six o’clock!  A full hour of light after your typical 9-5 work day.  Only a few more weeks until I can wear a skirt again!  Okay, probably more like two months, but my denial is what will allow me to survive the last of winter…

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